There is a common thread amongst link builder all over the world. They all love building links all the time. However, some link builders have begun hating this activity. If you are one such link builder, this is a free counseling session just for you.
Here are some reasons why you may hate link building from time to time.
Business owners force you
No matter how much you explain to business owners they are hell bent on acquiring bad links. They think the more the better. However, you can explain to them that few authentic links do as good a job, if not better, than a few thousand crappy links. In case the business owner still insists, it is time you let go the customer/business owner. This step is essential as you need to get new skills and look forward rather than stick to the old formula of “More the better”. After all it is your growth as a link builder which is at stake.
The ideal way would be to educate your customers about how bad links can affect their business. If needed demonstrate by showing some real life examples of how authentic links have helped businesses grow.
It used to work in the past
The fact is old techniques used to work well. However, they no longer work in the changed circumstances. This is what makes most of us mad. Today link building strategy has moved from the one size fits all model.
Avoid the temptation of falling into the same old trap. Old templates no longer work. Instead of breaking your head why old tactics don’t work, focus on new strategies and understand the current principles and trends. Identify a perfect target audience and then make a meaningful pitch to have the success rate you had earlier.
Scaling in no longer possible
There was a time when big was good. However, now you have to ensure that big is really good. Having a whole bunch of average links is as good as having no links at all. Big is no longer beautiful these days.
Instead of scaling from one link one day to hundred links the next day, it is better to go about in a calibrated manner. Increase the links to ten the next day. Wait for the response and then increase some more…and so on. In a few months you will have scaled to the desired size with great results.
Business owners are hard headed
No matter how hard you try explaining some business owners, CEO, and other decision makers still don’t appreciate this. Ask them to bear with you as you go about doing it right. Then present the data that shows increased traffic and increased conversions. This should do the trick. However, you will have to continuously educate and re-educate your customers.
Hating link building is not a phenomenon that you are dealing with alone. We all go through this phase from time to time. So, implement these steps and get back to loving what you are good at!