Anuva LLC

Your Pay Per Click campaign needs to be monitored in great detail for continuous fine-tuning so as to receive improved results. However, if you have not considered researching Google Quality Score in extreme detail, you need to begin doing so. You will be surprised how a few changes can change your campaign results for better or for worse.

You should firstly review your “not set” keyword data. In case there is some problem in Analytics tracking after a click on AdWords then you will see it in your “not set” report. In such a case, you need to check your auto-tagging feature or check for duplicate coding or duplicate Analytics profiles that are linked with AdWords. In case a visitor has used to conduct a search and managed to click on a result that is organic then you will witness “not provided” in your report.

Another key factor to research in detail is keywords with quality scores of 10. While you may be happy with such keywords, have you considered their impression or click scores? There may be several such keywords in your arsenal that might not even have delivered a single impression or click. You need to seriously consider if such keywords are worth your effort and money.

You also need to consider increasing clickthrough rates by manipulating URLs. In case your URL length is less than 35 characters, Google will automatically add www. before that URL, which in turn could decrease clickthrough rate. In case it is 35 characters then Google will display just as it is without adding www. before it. On the other hand, if it is slightly more than 35 characters then Google will accommodate you for a couple of characters.

However, if it is much more than 35 characters then Google will trim all characters over 35 and this could create a problem especially if you wish to transform it into a brand. You can thus eliminate www as well as try to ensure a 35 character width to take advantage of this Google peculiarity.

You should also understand that your pre-launch Quality Scores on keywords as well as ad words will normally be just about the same after the launch. This feature should be considered so as to help you extract the most out of your keywords, bids, and other related factors much before the launch.

Another critical factor to consider is that matching keyword types in your ad groups will deliver fantastic returns for your campaign. You just need to make several copies of every ad group for all your targeted match types to boost impressions. You also need to understand that bid management will not provide instant results for a new campaign.

Instead, you will need to allow your program to understand and learn over due time. However, while that may be correct, it is still a better idea to manually optimize the entire campaign so as to reduce the learning curve and deliver positive results within a shorter period of time. Your keyword return will also be a lot higher in case you begin your bid management program after a few days of launching your campaign.

Google may be planning to phase out Quality Score in coming times, but while it is still active and displayed, you should consider the above factors to improve your campaign results. This insight should help you better understand the inner workings of QS and help you extract the most out of your efforts.

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