Anuva LLC

Your links can achieve high rankings only when they are closely related to keywords. Unfortunately, it can take a lot of effort and time to build link profiles that are closely related to specific keywords.

You can usually begin by opting for links within a broad theme that contain maximum keyword combinations which are already present within your website content. If the competition is not very high then you will be able to rank for these keywords without much pressure.

While specific links can limit your growth due to their effect on selective keywords, broader link building has the potential of taking your rankings to the next level. You need to track rankings based on those broader links after ensuring that you have empowered them with the best possible SEO techniques. Once you notice rankings that indicate that this strategy is effective then you can then concentrate your efforts on specific links to propel your rankings on those specific links.

You should begin by tracking rankings over several relevant themes along with keywords across different competition levels. Keywords that are near the top 10 should become your base-line and you should focus your efforts here to implement your link building strategy.

Next, you need to locate themes based on several keyword groups that fall beyond the top 20 ranking. You also need to check top 100 websites to locate keywords that fall within your selected theme. This move will deliver a huge list of prospective links. Your chosen links should include anchor text and landing pages, among other relevant factors. Your carefully selected link profile must indicate to Google bots that your website is viewed broadly by others.

Within a short time, you should be able to view an improvement in your rankings as your top 30 keywords turn into top 20 and then top 10 or even inch towards the topmost ranking. As you inch upwards, you should also keep a keen eye on your relation to each keyword and how websites that are ranked above you are implementing their link strategies.

You can use the keyword ROI to check if you are ready to work harder on single keyword combinations. You can also increase profitability by merging different keyword combinations to create single links. The benefits of every added link will certainly be broader over several keywords as you would have created broader link profiles based on your rankings.

While you may concentrate on precise anchor texts with each previous link enhancement, you still have the potential for a little broadening of the search grid. While specific links need to remain focused on single keyword combinations, broader link buildings can also contain accidental keywords while also allowing a lot more leeway for other related keywords.

Once you create and implement link profiles based on a broader range of keywords then important keywords that have not performed as per your intention will only need a small boost thanks to this strategy. You should try the above strategy rather than merely focusing on a single keyword so as to get an edge over your competition.

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