To make your marketing program a success you need to have a flawless reputation. Bad reputation can affect your click-through rates as well as have negative impact on your general conversion rates. It therefore becomes incumbent that you monitor your social activity and combat and eradicate negative sentiment about your brand or your business online. This should be your core strategy. Sadly business owner do not realize the importance of such a thing nor do they have the patience required to keep a tab on online perception about their business or brands.
Smart marketers have realized the importance of total domination of Google’s first search page. They have near perfect understanding of various data that Google displays on its first page for brand related queries.
Here is how you too can dominate the first page of Google:
Paid search : Apart from buying brand terms in paid search you can use ad extensions like location extension, offer extensions, call extensions, product extensions, sitelinks extensions, App extensions, social extensions, and Dynamic search ad extensions. However, you have to make sure you have a perfect combination of several extensions so that you occupy all the premium real estate on the first page.
Google+ : Have a verified Google+ account to capture side rail space for your brand terms. Read up on the Google+ starter guide and set up your profile.
Google Images : Optimize all the key images on your website as your logo. This will ensure you have sufficient SERP real estate. To optimize your logo include your brand in the image file name.
YouTube and other video : Have a branded YouTube video; make sure you have at least one video on YouTube. The best thing would be to have a channel dedicated to your brand. Your brand should feature in your YouTube username, in the meta tags of the video, and in the name of the video.
Google+ Local: Get a verified Google+ local listing. In case your business is present in multiple locations make sure you have linked Google+ location pages to the respective landing sites.
Product listing ads : In the coming months and years PLAs will ensure bigger real estate for you. It has shown impressive results so far and will certainly help you in the long run.
News : Regularly issue press releases so that you stay in the news all the time. The best way is to have a press release calendar and follow it diligently.
Organic Search: All the above steps will ensure you will rank only for your brand term. However, to make sure you have an impressive presence on your brand domain use Google Webmaster tools to audit your sitelinks. Ensure you have accounts on Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. This ensures your site shows up for brand terms as well.