Marketers can extract and organize data in a far more efficient manner if they possess several essential Excel skills. You should possess the skills mentioned below to take complete advantage of Excel and its exhaustive features.
One essential skill that is very important for every marketer is Table Formatting. Using the Format as Table function will allow you to organize your data in a neat table as well as hide unwanted columns, sort, and filter the data, and do a lot more to end up with a clean and precise report that is easy to comprehend and further fine-tune.
You should also learn how to create various types of charts in Excel. Appropriate forms of charting provide reports with excellent visual representation. In case you possess large datasets, you can still make use of conditional formatting to include visual cues for tabular data. You should seek out Excel-help videos of Bill Jelen or Mike Girvin to learn all about Excel charts and ways to use them to your advantage.
Pivot Tables are especially useful for larger datasets and learning to make full use of them should also be your top priority as a marketer. There are several videos that can help you overcome the fear of using this important feature as well as view and interpret your data with ease.
Once you master the fundamentals of Excel then it is time to learn various functions that you may need for your accumulated data. You will need to create simple to complicated Excel formulas depending on your need. All these functions may look intimidating, but in reality are quite easy to create and implement once you begin splitting them into smaller steps.
One more useful skill that can help you handle huge datasets with ease is when you master the trick of using Advanced Filters. Your dataset must possess headings in order to use advanced filters, which can be used for both Mac and Pc. Rather than creating pivot tables for large datasets that can slow down Excel, you can merely create new and small datasets by applying your chosen filters and then create pivot tables from that previously filtered data.
You should begin acquiring Excel skills by letting go of any fear that you may have developed while using Excel. You can start developing Excel skills by trying them on small datasets as well as by using easier functions and formulas to build up confidence levels. In addition, you can always get tons of help online in case you get stuck with a peculiar problem.
The above essential Excel skills will certainly help improve extraction, presentation, and analysis of your Excel data, and eventually help you turn into a far more efficient marketer.