Title Tags are an integral element of Meta Tags that provide search engine robots as well as viewers a very brief summary of your web page. Each web page on your website needs specific title tags and they should contain important keywords without stuffing the tag.
A title tag is displayed on the top of the browser page although this practice is being discontinued by major browsers. This tag is also displayed on the results page above your website name and these few words need to convince visitors to click on your below-mentioned website or landing page. Hence, a title tag is extremely important in attracting viewers and search engines alike.
The Title Tag that is inserted in your HTML code will be as follows…
<title>Your actual title tag wording</title>
Your title tag can have a maximum length of 70 characters, which includes spaces. If your title tag is more than 70 words then Google will crop the excess words and may even scrap your tag and use its own. You must ensure that your tag begins with the desired keyword or keywords. You can insert several crucial keywords, but should separate them with pipes “|”.
You must ensure that your title tag is short, but eye-catching enough to encourage visitors to explore the mentioned webpage. You should also make sure that each webpage on your website possesses different and unique title tags, and should be relevant to the content on that page.
Even though you may think that you have created an appropriate title tag, Google retains the option to change that tag if it thinks that it has an improved tag. Google will rewrite the tag if it deems so. You must make sure that you do not repeat your keywords in a single tag or try to stuff maximum number of keywords in a single title.
Your tag needs to be short, easy-to-read, and precise. You should also remember not to insert underscores, commas, hyphens, or other characters except pipes in your title tags. Multiple keywords should be separated with | based on their order of importance. You can also include your company name in your title tag, if required and if you wish to build up its brand name.
A well-written title tag filled with related high-quality keywords will attract your target audience as well as major search engines. You should understand the importance of title tags for each web page and use the above tips to ensure high rankings with eye-catching tags on search results.