Your online B2B campaign will pay rich dividends only if you avoid several common blunders that might delay your ROI even as you miss out on vital clues that could provide improved returns in future campaigns. Mentioned below are a few common blunders that might not provide the best results on your B2B paid search accounts.
If you have been expecting instantaneous and miraculous ROI on your B2B PPC campaign then you just might end up being disappointed in the initial weeks or months. However, do not make the mistake of abandoning your campaign due to slow initial results. A large deal might take a long time to convert and running your campaign for a long time will not only prove beneficial, but also allow you to extract vital reports that can be studied to further fine-tune your campaign.
On the other hand, you need to monitor your campaign keenly during the initial months so that you do not lose more money while waiting for a very long time for the strategy to bear financial fruits. Using SEM tools such as Cost per Qualified Customer, Cost per lead, Cost per Proposal, and Cost per Appointment will help you understand if your campaign is on track within a short time.
Many businesses fail to integrate their online B2B campaign with their existing CRM software. You too should not make this blunder since you will certainly miss out on understanding the precise keywords that attracted your target market towards your website and helped close each vital deal. Integrating this crucial campaign with CRM will help you identify better keywords in future and help you to bid in an informed manner, which in turn will deliver even more optimized results.
Not engaging in contextual advertising is yet another blunder that often loses out on a wonderful opportunity to attract new customers towards your website. Most potential buyers might not even realize that you have a product or service that might be related to or even be superior to their current choice. Using the Google Display Network feature in Google AdWords itself will allow you to place ads during related searches and boost your online exposure to potential buyers.
Many businesses also make the blunder of not using appropriate software to track phone calls by associating vital keywords with specific phone numbers. While asking potential customers manually might provide some level of success, using call tracking software can help you unearth a treasure of keywords that can help you further improve your B2B campaign in coming times.
Make a point to memorize the above blunders so that you do not end up making them in your own B2B SEM campaign. Avoiding these blunders will provide enhanced results as well as larger financial rewards and help you gain confidence with each subsequent campaign.