In a rather strange move Microsoft announced the renaming of Microsoft adCenter their Search ad network and then retracted it. Earlier Microsoft had announced that Microsoft advertising was being renamed Bing Ads. This was announced on the Yahoo Bing Network blog and then retracted later.
The new renaming seems to be just another rebranding exercise as the advertisement network and the functionality remains the same as before. If interested, you can follow this new brand at There is also Twitter and a Facebook account if you want to follow that on these two media platforms. In case you visit the old blog you will find the new Bing Ads logo.
The interesting thing about this new development is that Yahoo’s name features before Bing. This could be due to the fact that although Microsoft runs the technology behind the network it is Yahoo that actually runs the sales, support and the people behind this network.
The blog posted and subsequently removed announced the introduction of the ‘Yahoo! Bing Network’, the new official name of the combined search market. It reiterated the commitment of both Microsoft and Yahoo to bring high value engaged audiences to businesses that advertise on them. According to the blog the advertisers can tap into more than 151 million unique searchers in the US. And that this audience generally spends 24% more than the average searchers. Searchers on this platform are also likely to spend 5% more than searchers on Google. The blog further goes on to urge advertisers, eager to expand customer base, to advertise on this network.
However, this blog was pulled down last night from the Microsoft Advertising blog and renamed Bing Ads blog.