Your content could be optimized and ready to be posted on your website. However, even though you might have considered all standard SEO techniques to ensure that your content catches the eyes of top search engines and your target audience, here are a few points to ponder before and after you post the content.
Even before you begin forming your keyword laden content for a webpage it would be a good idea to use tools such as Google Suggest to get a wider perspective of what your target audience could type in the search box to reach to your website. You might be surprised to discover new keywords and ideas that drive more traffic to your site.
Another move before actually developing your content is to engage in an outreach program to your target market or audience. One way to do this is to reach out to a few of your existing customers and getting their opinions on the content that you propose to develop. This move will help you further fine-tune your content or even scrap the content in favor of one that is developed with the received suggestions.
Another outreach option is to use a tool like Launchrock that can help you understand if your target market will be receptive to your content. You would receive email addresses of interested people that could be used to determine if your efforts will be rewarded in a positive way.
One more important factor to consider is the use of keywords in several crucial sections such as headings, page titles, body text, alt tags, etc. If you plan to include keywords in your headings then you should make sure that their presence looks natural in the heading. Readers too should be intrigued upon reading the heading and should further explore the rest of the content, which in turn boosts chances of conversions.
Again, if you plan to use keywords in your page title then they should certainly be relevant to the content. The length of the page title is also important and you could try out different titles before you decide on one that seems most promising.
You also need to insert apt keywords into alt tags as well as image file names that accompany your inserted images. Search engines prefer and reward these efforts with better rankings.
Your body text should also be sprinkled with the right mix of keywords that attract search engines and readers alike. Readers prefer easy-to-read text that can be read, understood, and shared with ease. In addition, font size as well as line height based on the displayed text such as headings, sub-headings, and text body should be perfect in order to keep readers riveted to your content.
Social sharing and follow buttons are a must along with links as is ensuring that your robots.txt file is set up to call out to search engines. You also need to ensure that the content that you put up adds value to your website while helping you reach your goals too. A call to action in text or graphic form is a must to convince your target audience to act in the desired manner.
Another factor that should be considered is to provide links to related posts as well as inbound links from other respected posts. You can also include a list of impressive posts that your readers can explore other than your own. This will add a degree of trust and quality to your own website.
You certainly do need to include a tracking code on all content on your website, be it text, video, infographics, etc. Using Google Analytics to set up achievable goals will provide a benchmark and help you remain focused on achieving them for you and your clients.
You should also remember to contact people that have communicated with you during your outreach program. You should try to study those people in detail before you contact them so as to establish a rapport with them with the very first contact. Of course, monitoring outlets after posting your content is also important.
Using networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedln along with Google+, among others, is a good idea while remembering to use unique teasers. At the end of all these efforts, you need to re-check your entire content before posting it.
After launching your content, you once again need to get into action so as to analyze the data by way of relevant reports. You need to make sure that the results are in tune with your set goals and might need to fine-tune your strategy based on your analysis. You will anyway need to present facts and figures in report form to your client to show that your efforts and their investments are paying rich dividends.
As with any other strategy, you need to continuously test new SEO strategies as well as optimize existing ones to extract better results. The above points should certainly be considered before and after posting your content if you wish to optimize your own SEO efforts in the long run.