User reviews can provide a lot of desired and sometimes undesired information about the status of your marketing campaign. Even though you may not have power over what your users might write about your product, service, or website, you can certainly improve this vital segment with several innovative features.
One important factor that can make a lot of difference in future sales is location of your user reviews. You can provide a small summary of user reviews with ranking next to each product while asking viewers to click on them to expand the reviews. This feature will help viewers observe the reviews of each product, if reviewed, and help make up their mind in case of favorable reviews.
In addition to providing text reviews, your clients can be encouraged to upload their photos as well as video reviews to add a new dimension to this section. However, you should remember to review and filter such reviews to ensure that the content is suitable for other viewers. You can also replace the standard 5 stars with various imaginative icons that relate to your business model. For instance, if you manage a garage or sell automotive spares then you could replace the stars with spanners or colorful cars. This move will add a customized touch to this normally-dull section of your website.
You should also add reviews from industry experts to your user review section to add credibility. In addition, you can either display expert reviews separately or add them with user reviews. However, you should ensure that you track this specific feature to comprehend if your potential clients get impressed by expert or user reviews or both before making a purchase.
You need to encourage reviewers to provide their identity along with other details of the purchased products or services, if possible. However, most people might not be willing to provide their personal details which in turn will not provide high credence to their reviews. You should encourage users to provide reviews by offering suitable rewards in the form of suitable recognition, which in turn will boost the trust factor of your website and business.
The above tips will help you display user reviews in a manner that impresses viewers which include prospective buyers. A little bit of imagination and fine-tuning will help you test and extract the most out of this neglected section of your website that has the potential to boost your sales and your business reputation.