Anuva LLC

Many website owners have not yet comprehended the powerful effects of blogging to improve rankings. Local SEO can help propel a website ahead with higher rankings as well as enhance website visibility at the same time.

You could have optimized your website using all possible LOCAL SEO tools. However, your competitors too might have employed a similar strategy such as optimizing their inbound links, maintained an eagle eye on their Google+ listings, provided a feature for customer reviews, etc.

However, not many businesses have started blogging or realize the importance of this vital tool to improve rankings. If you are not able to dedicate enough time or energy to blog on a regular basis then you can easily out-source it at a nominal cost.

There are several benefits to using blogging on a regular basis.

Google’s search engine robots are programmed to look for new content related to websites and regular blogging with back links can elevate ranking to a great extent.

Blogging also allows you to get in direct touch with your intended market and get valuable feedback. This feature too is loved by most search engine robots even as you receive vital input that can help you improve your products and services. Your website can achieve better ranking in keyword search results, Local search results, and in Blog searches. A blog enables you to share the latest news in your industry as well as slowly establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Blogging also allows you to fight back in case of a verbal attack on your business and is thus an important weapon in online reputation management. Blogging also helps you gain inroads into social media and business sites such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.

Here are a few tips on setting up an effective blog for Local SEO as well as for social media.

You should make sure that your blog is incorporated in your website itself even if it in the form of a sub-domain or sub-directory. You should try to use WordPress to create your blog since it does possess several SEO features.

You should respond to feedback received on your blog personally to not only show visitors and customers that you are sensitive to their views, but also to please updated search engine algorithms. In addition, incorporating the rel=author tag can further convince search engines to give better rankings. Also, extracting new keywords based on upcoming blogs could help further catch the eye of major search engines.

You can try posting your blogs on a daily or weekly basis based on your convenience and should monitor your campaign to find a frequency that bests suits you and delivers optimum results. You should also try to inject humor into your blogs or delegate a separate section for this feature to keep readers interested in your blog. You can also post blogs on other sites that rate high in the eyes of search engines as well as those that are related to your business or industry.

You should remember to post backlinks at the bottom of each blog on other sites. Remember to keep your blogs to the point rather than rambling on about irrelevant topics. You can also display a section on your website that mentions local community news, which in turn will rate high with local search engines. You can provide information on upcoming events related to your business on your blog.

Blogging holds tremendous potential to get noticed by major search engines and boost rankings. You should take advantage of this tedious-but-easy strategy to get ahead of your competition on a long-term basis.

Why Choose Anuva?

Anuva is a leading Digital Marketing Company providing results-driven Internet Marketing Services including Local SEO ServicesOnline Reputation Management ServicesWordPress SEOEcommerce SEOProfessional SEO ServicesSEO Consulting ServicesSEO Audit Services, etc. to clients worldwide. Looking for Google Ads Services OR Facebook Ads Agency? We are a highly experienced PPC Management Company specialized in eCommerce PPC Management. Please check our Client Testimonials and SEO Rankings for you to see the outstanding results we have achieved. Contact us to generate a Huge ROI on your invested dollars from our strongest Online Marketing Services.
