Anuva LLC

Use the Social Shopping Apps Route to Attract a New Market

June 12, 2012 anuva

The popularity of social networking sites coupled with a steep rise in mobile internet usage has truly opened up a...

How to Keep the Google Penguin Happy With Optimized Submissions

June 12, 2012 anuva

Google has recently launched its Penguin update that is programmed to aggressively weed out spamming and phishing websites. However, you...

Greet Increased Footfalls for Your Brick And Mortar Store by Using The Internet

June 12, 2012 anuva

It is not necessary to aggressively promote your business only if is an online venture. You can easily advertize your...

Analyze and Rectify Mistakes on A Failed Split Test

June 11, 2012 anuva

A split test might be helpful to decide on which variant proved to be the best in compelling your target...

Reach Out To Millions Of Mobiles By Advertising Through Google Admob

June 8, 2012 anuva

After buying mobile advertising company AdMob in 2009, Google has now merged its mobile advertising features with AdWords and offers...

Tweak Your Marketing Campaign With Google Adwords Zip Code Targeting Feature

June 8, 2012 anuva

If you want your online marketing campaign to target specific towns and cities in the US then Google offers a...